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Server Rules

If you are new to Tactical Crouch then please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these rules. These are enforced at all times by our clan members. Please do your best to follow them. If you are caught breaking our server rules you will be given a warning and then kicked from the server.

1. You must remain crouched at ALL times when movin unless evading direct fire (Example: Grenade, RC Car, B52, Napalm.....etc).

2. You may stand sighted for short periods of time to look over objects that would normally be to high in the crouched position.

3. No Second Chance perk (If you just prestiged you will need to pick a class other than the M16).

4. No Bunny Hopping or Dolphin Diving.

5. No Spawn Camping (Defined loosely as remaining in or around an enemy spawn site with the intent to shoot them as they appear)

6. No Grenade Launchers or 'Noob Tubes' (Tube use is confined to anti-aircraft only)

*Repeat offenders will be permanently banned from the server.

**If you have any questions regarding a rule please ask a member to clarify the definition of the rule for you.

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